
Data Tree Project – Art Installation

Data Tree Project - Art Installation
July 18, 2024: 4:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Collingwood Neighbourhood House ANNEX
Collingwood Neighbourhood House ANNEX
3690 Vanness Ave, Vancouver, BC V5R 5B6

The Data Visualization Tree will allow community members to co-create art with community members and artistically visualize data points of who is part of the diverse Renfrew-Collingwood community, and what they hope to see in the neighbourhood. This artwork requires community members to add strings or ribbons of different colours to the tree to symbolize different forms of feedback. This is a project that supports the efforts of the BC Government towards the Anti-Racism Data Act. The Systems Change team will also promote a survey during Collingwood Days to gather feedback from equity-seeking communities.

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